(selected lectures from 2018 to today)
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring - Basics and Possibilities“, Consilium Infectiorum, Munich (25.01.2020)
- TDM: Finally on the test bench“, 10th Infectious Diseases Symposium, Eberswalde (06.07.2019)
- Doping - Schneller, höher, weiter in Sport und Gesellschaft“, Vortragsreihe der Freunde und Förderer des Klinikums Forchheim e.V., Forchheim (24.06.2019)
- Doping - Faster, higher, further in sports and society ”, lecture series by friends and supporters of the Forchheim Clinic, Forchheim (24.06.2019)
- "What is a medicine? From homeopathy to doping in sports and highly effective cancer drugs ”, Adam-Kraft-Gymnasium Schwabach (January 31, 2019)
- "Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Anti-Infectives - Basics and Possibilities", Hamburg (January 26, 2019)
- "Biosimilars and the Valsartan Scandal", Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy at LMU, Munich (January 18, 2019)
- Antibiotics 2018 - update, chair (07.12.2018)
Lectures at the University Hospital Essen:
- Antibiotics I, compulsory lecture for medical students
- Antibiotics II, compulsory lecture for medical students
Science night in Nürnberg
(2015, 2017, 2019)
For the 9th time, the Science Night invites curious and young researchers to get to know Northern Bavaria as a location for research and knowledge. All scientists, institutions, companies and knowledge providers are invited to present themselves to visitors to Germany's largest science night.
Our contributions together with the Clinic/ Paracelsus Medical University of Nürnberg:
- Contamination, delivery bottlenecks, counterfeiting, generics, online trading - are our drugs still safe? (Prof. Dr. F. Sörgel)
- Status of doping (Prof. Dr. F. Sörgel)
- Resistance Fighters - out of the antibiotic trap (Dr. R. Höhl, Nürnberg Clinic)
- Multi-resistant pathogens (MRE) (Dr. A. Reinhardt, Nürnberg Clinic)
In addition there is of course the popular "self-experiment poppy seed cake". At the last science night there were almost 400 participants.
A piece of poppy seed cake has an effect
Baking or washing the poppy seeds reduces the morphine content. Visitors can test for themselves that morphine can still be detected in the urine for several hours after eating a small piece of poppy seed cake. The piece of poppy seed cake and the measuring stick are free.
This example shows how there can be a wonderful collaboration between a research institute, a bakery and one of the largest clinics in Europe.